The Beinghe.Com is a Fashion, Fitness, and finance blogging website. I'm passionate about writing fashion lifestyle, finance & fitness blogs.
My Blogs: My blogs and articles are my own thoughts, and I also offer young passionate bloggers to coordinate on my website. I use the internet for research purposes and also Google Alert & trend to keep myself up to date about the ongoing topics on the internet. The main objective of beinghe is to share valuable research and data on fashion, men's fashion, finance, and fitness. Hence, you can also request a specific analysis, I will try my best to share all the insights.
Graphics Content: I use "canva" to create my graphic and I mention in the caption the source with the URL if I took the image from anywhere.
Who am I?
Professionally I’m an internet marketing expert with 7 years plus experience in digital marketing, digital transformation, branding, and content development.
If you want to share any ideas or news with then please feel free to connect with me at
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